Make Sure Your Work Isn’t Done in Vain.

You work diligently to make sure your baby has enough of your natural breast milk to fulfill his/her appetite. Make sure your efforts aren’t done in vain by storing your pumped milk properly. Here are a few guidelines:

Containers –

  • Glass or hard plastic BPA-free containers with leak-proof lids can be used.
  • Breast milk freezer bags are also an option.
  • Avoid sandwich bags or thin disposable feeding bottle liners that can split when frozen. These type of liners are meant to be used as bottle feeding bags, but not for freezing milk.
How to Properly Store Breast Milk

Store N PourHow Much to Store in a Container –

  • Store your milk in the smallest amount your baby might take. When your baby takes a bottle, her saliva mixes with the milk. You can always add more milk to a bottle during a feeding if she wants more, but don’t save the leftover milk once the bottle has been in your baby’s mouth.
  • If freezing your milk, always leave room for expansion. Just like any liquid you freeze, milk expands too, so do not fill up to the very top of the container.
  • You can combine milk pumped at different times. Chill freshly expressed milk before adding to already frozen milk. When combining milk from different days, write the date of the oldest milk on the container.

Store N PourLabeling Stored Milk –

  • Write the date and time on your milk container using a sticky label or non-toxic marker. Add your baby’s name if your baby is at a facility that cares for other babies or toddlers.

Here are a few milk storage guidelines for healthy babies who are at home. If your baby is in the hospital (preterm or sick), check with your baby’s health care provider to find out what milk storage guidelines they recommend.

  • Keep in mind that fresh milk is best. If you have stored milk at room temperature and are going to miss a breastfeeding session with your baby, give the milk stored at room temperature first.
  • If you plan to use your milk within 8 days, you can keep it in the fridge. Otherwise, plan to freeze it in the coldest part of the freezer. Avoid storing your milk in the door.

Ameda Store ‘N Pour Breast Milk Bags Make Proper Milk Storage Easy and Convenient!

The Ameda Store ‘N Pour Breast Milk Storage Bags Getting Started Kit includes 20 Store ‘N Pour Storage Bags and two flange adapters. The Ameda Store ‘N Pour Breast Milk Storage Bags make it more convenient to pump and store breast milk in the freezer. These thick, three-ply bags ensure that your milk is preserved safely in the freezer. Pump directly into bags with unique flange adapter No nape or twist ties needed. Learn more …

Do you have any tips and techniques you’d like to share with Moms who are just getting started on their breastfeeding journey? Get social with our Network of Moms on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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