Protecting Mom and Baby from the Flu

Protecting Mom and Baby from the Flu

The fall and winter months are quickly approaching, and along with the holidays and traditions, they bring the possibility of getting the flu or a cold. While it’s always a good idea to take precautions to prevent yourself from getting ill, it becomes especially...
The Case for the Breast Pump

The Case for the Breast Pump

As you stock up on diapers and onesies in preparation for the arrival of your new baby, making sure you have a breast pump is probably the last thing on your mind. You’re not alone – getting a breast pump is often pushed to the bottom of new moms’ priority...
The Phases of Breastfeeding

The Phases of Breastfeeding

During each breastfeeding session, your body will naturally go through two different phases: let down and expression. Understanding each phase can help ensure that your baby is getting enough milk and that your body is making adequate milk for your little one. Phase...
Breastfeeding a Baby with Allergies

Breastfeeding a Baby with Allergies

Though allergies are becoming increasingly common in children, most breastfeeding babies don’t have any allergy problems when nursing. Studies show that only two to three babies out of every 100 who are exclusively breastfeeding will have an allergic reaction....