Eight Ways to Use Your Nursing Pillow

Eight Ways to Use Your Nursing Pillow

Nursing pillows, also known as feeding pillows, can be a new mom’s lifesaver. Though there are different types, nursing pillows usually are U-shaped and are placed around your midsection in order to support your baby during feeding. Though the most common use of...
Breastfeeding vs. Formula

Breastfeeding vs. Formula

Ask any veteran mom if they breastfed or formula fed their baby, and you are sure to get a strong opinion on the topic. What you are going to feed your new little one is a big decision to make. Both breastfeeding and formula feeding have unique advantages and...
Lactation Consultant

Lactation Consultant

One of the most surprising things that many new breastfeeding moms find is how difficult the “natural” process of nursing can be in the early days. The picture in your mind of quietly rocking your baby while he or she nurses contently at your breast can...
Weaning from Breastfeeding

Weaning from Breastfeeding

After months of breastfeeding your baby, you’re probably an expert at nursing him or her while you are partially asleep, pumping while you are busy at work and don’t even bat an eye when you are shopping and your little one wants to eat in public. But,...
Thrush while Breastfeeding

Thrush while Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding may be slightly uncomfortable in the early days, but it should never be a painful experience. If you are experiencing pain that doesn’t go away with a correct latch, you could have thrush. Thrush is a common fungal infection that affects...